Daily Devotional


sunday worship service: 11:30am

New Covenant Church Cheltenham daily devotional


To New Covenant Church Cheltenham Daily Devotional, where the Holy Spirit interact with us on a daily basis. We hope you will find and experience Him too as you journey with us today. We will encourage you to please share your thoughts and reflections with us on the comments as you go through your interaction with Him today. Have a blessed day. Shalom!

The Foundation of Authenticity | Genesis 1:1-3

by: Adeleke Adegbite



In a world of filters and carefully curated social media profiles, authenticity can feel like a rare commodity. Yet, God calls us to something deeper - relationships built on genuine love and sincerity. Just as God created light to illuminate the darkness, He desires to illuminate our relationships with His truth and presence. Without His Spirit guiding our interactions, our connections remain superficial and void of real meaning. True authenticity begins when we allow God

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Embracing the Crisis | Genesis 32:24

by: Adeleke Adegbite



"Then Jacob was left alone; and a Man wrestled with him until the breaking of day."- Genesis 32:24

Life's journey often leads us through unexpected valleys and mountains. Like Jacob, we face opposition from various directions - family conflicts, challenging circumstances, or internal struggles. These moments of crisis aren't meant to break us; they're designed to shape us. When we find ourselves wrestling with difficulties, it's crucial to remember that God uses these situa

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Fresh Starts - Isaiah 43:18-19

by: Adeleke Adegbite



'Forget the former things and do not dwell on the past. See, I'm doing a new thing now it's springing up.' - Isaiah 43:18-19

God specializes in new beginnings. No matter what lies in your past - failures, disappointments, or mistakes - God isn't finished with you yet. He's always working to make something new. Just as spring brings new life after winter, God can bring fresh purpose out of your past. He's not asking you to forget what happened, but He is inviting you to focu

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The Power of Forgiveness | Matt. 6:14-15

by: Adeleke Adegbite



'If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your father will not forgive.' - Matthew 6:14-15Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. When we hold onto hurts, we only harm ourselves. Jesus made it clear that forgiveness isn't optional for believers - it's essential. This doesn't mean what happened was okay, or that we need to trust the person again. It means we're ...
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Grace Beyond Performance. | Titus 3:5

by: Adeleke Adegbite



"He saved us not because of the good things we did, but because of his mercy." - Titus 3:5Many of us live as if God's love depends on our performance - how well we pray, how much we give, or how perfectly we live. But God's relationship with us isn't based on our scorecard. His love flows from His character, not our achievements. When Jesus died on the cross, He didn't just cover some of our sins - He paid for them all. This means we can stop trying to earn what's already ...
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